Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April 8th

Where the heck does time go?!?
Well, I must be doing something with my time since I am not keeping this blog up to date...
Oh Yeah! I am still training away for my half marathon. It is officially 26 days from today. Yikes! I cannot believe the changes that have happened during these months.

This Team in Training group has not been as good at keeping us all posted on our hero patient as I would have liked. Our team hero is Issac. He is 4 years old & has lymphoblastic lymphoma. That big name means that he has abnormal lymphocytes (white blood cells) in his lymph nodes & or thymus gland. This particular disease can also affect his bone marrow & organs such as liver & kidneys. When we met him early on in our training he was a shy little boy about the size of my Logan. He was taking chemo drugs on a daily basis & due to be done with that at the end of March. He will officially be in remission at the start of July. His grandma is participating in a TNT group & I am pretty sure Issac is their team hero as well. I'll see if I can get an update at our practice tonight or Saturday.

Fundraising is draggin butt. Things are tight for so many people & it is hard to persuade people to give. We had some big group fundraisers that I hope have good results for our accounts.
So, if you have found this blog, but have not donated to my cause... go to & make a donation. Every dollar helps! Donate your latte money for the week, or even just the day. Give a dollar a mile that I am running (13).
Thanks for reading! And thanks for helping this cause!

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