Friday, December 26, 2008

in Texas...

Did I mention that I got to do some training in Texas? The temperatures were anywhere from the 30s to the 70s. I even got a short sleeve run in while staying in Wimberley!

December 26th

Well, time certainly flies when you're having fun doesn't it?!
I am still pluggin' away at my training schedule. Some days I get so frustrated at the facts. You know, facts like the last time I ran a maraton was 2000. In 2000 I was 29 & of a slightly different shape here & there. Now I am almost 38 & feeling... well, feeling old & stiff! Blast that sucks! But I shall try not to complain. Afterall, I can walk & jog & so many things that some of the LLS patients cannot. And my boys, my beautiful wonderful boys are healthy. Thank you, Jesus!
Training is going well. I am reaching my time goals. And the fundraising is off to a good start. I am almost a third of the way to my financial goal which is a big blessing & big relief. Thank you to all of you who are supporting me!

And keep checking in because some of my team & I are planning a party here in Tacoma to fundraise & I would love to see you there!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

November 29th

Today's run was super duper! I totally slept through my group practice :( Sorry guys! But I did get up while there was still sun shining & ran from the house. I had a 50 minute work-out today (the longest to date) & it went so well. I took my sweet time warming up & was able to jog quite a bit. No pain from those ol' shins today! The sun stayed with me through about half of my journey. That makes it so nice :) There was a pretty good headwind on my way home, but when you jog at my speed it is not an issue.
Now I am working on my fundraising letter. Stuffing the envelopes is not my favorite... I can't seem to work fast enough. Be looking for your copy soon!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 25th

Still nursing a shin plint... what a pain!
Right now I'm in a place of transition. I am trying to get my body to remember that it did once run (jog) & it even liked it. Some days are better than others for sure. I have found some old Soul Coughing tunes & love to work out to them!
And I am also trying to keep in mind that I am healthy as are all of my family members. I am not undergoing chemotherapy as so many other little (& big) people in this world. And I need to remember that what I am training for does make a difference!

...a little disclaimer here... I wish I wrote like my hubby, but I don't. I will do my best not to ramble in my typing as I do in conversation. I promise it will get better!
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

more on the 22nd

So, here's what's happening in my spare time ;)
I have signed up to train & raise money for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society (LLS). I participated in 2 marathons in 1999 & 2000 with these guys & had a blast! This time around I am training to run the BMO Vancouver marathon on May 3rd, 2009. We have a nice long training schedule which is great for me since I have not been a runner for many years.

Today ends week 3 of my training. I am having to re-train my body to run at any speed. I have a few years & pounds that I picked up since 2000 :)
The group I am training with is wonderful. There is lots of energy & support every time we meet up.
And we have a hero patient that we keep close to our hearts & minds while pounding the pavement. My hero patient is Issac. Issac turned 4 years old this summer & has Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. He will be going through chemotherapy throughout our training season. I have not gotten to meet him in person. But, he is to be at an upcomingpractice & I can't wait to meet him!

So, this is where you can come & see pictures & read updates as to what the heck I am doing this fabulous northwest winter. I'll learn how to do all the picture stuff soon... so check back often.

I would love your support through this... please go to http://pages/ and make a donation!
Thanks for reading!

November 22, 2008

Day 1 of figuring out blogspot & how to help you all see what I am doing with LLS (Leukemia-Lymphoma Society).
Please check in often!